
Brainspotting is a new and cutting-edge therapeutic approach which focuses on negative perceptions stored in the brain as a result of trauma, emotional events, or mental disorders. These negative perceptions can be accessed from the unconscious in a safe environment in order to allow the brain to heal itself in a safe therapeutic environment.

Brainspotting was adapted from Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy but differs in its approach to accessing emotional content. Using a pointer to hold eye contact, Brainspotting therapists explore field of vision to awaken trauma and emotional experiences and bring awareness to how they manifest in the body. The brain is then able to hold and work through emotional responses in order to heal itself. Brainspotting accesses the positioning of the eyes where emotional content is stored for an emotional event.

Brainspotting is used in conjunction with other treatment approaches including talk therapy to treat the patient holistically. Brainspotting works effectively for all ages.

Brainspotting has been used for processing trauma and has been identified for treating a number of conditions including:

  • Anxiety
  • Attachment issues 
  • Substance use
  • Posttraumatic stress disorder 
  • Chronic pain
  • Major depressive disorder